I'm inexplicably giddy right now. Why? I'M IN THE SOUTH!!!!! Okay, it may not be that big of a deal to you, but I'm eerily elated. It's so incredible here! It's everything I fantasized it to be and more.
Okay, now for the update: my friend Andrew Pillow, Randy Peaser, and I left Indianapolis this afternoon at 3pm to begin our caravan to Mississippi. We drove through Kentucky and stopped in Tennessee. The whole excursion lasted around six hours. We passed by Louisville, Kentucky and I must say that I loved the sights I encountered. Louisville seems like a pretty awesome college town. After a couple more hours from Louisville, we were in Nashville, Tennessee. THIS PLACE ROCKS! I kid you not! As soon as we got in, we stopped at a place called Monell's. Monell's is a family style Southern restaurant that serves without the customary guide of a menu. You sit down at a huge, dining-room style table with other patrons and the restaurant's servers bring out abundant portions of food in pots to the table. Then, you pass the pots around and share the delicious entree choices. I just have to say that the turnip greens and pulled pork bowls were my absolute favorite. Here is a new fact I just discovered:
Real Southern Food > Any other kind of food.
The Country Music Awards are also here this weekend and the city is abound with tourism, strum guitar enthusiasts, and attractive people. It's quite the exciting place to be. I'm strongly considering applying to Vanderbilt University at this point. That's how much I've become attracted to the locality. I wouldn't mind spending a few years studying here. Anyways...
We're spending tonight in Nashville but will leave for the Mississippi Delta tomorrow. I am definitely not looking forward to the heat and humidity I've heard so much about. As far as TFA logistics, I don't know what's going to happen tomorrow, but I do know that I'm stoked. I'll have an update for all of you sometime later this week. Wish me luck in the classroom!
With Unwavering Love,
Derik Ohanian
Hahaha...only you would note that the city is full of tourism, strum guitar enthusiasts, and attractive people. Let me know if you see Taylor Swift before you leave town!